Tuesday, October 25, 2005

people around us

....I think people need to becareful what they type in a blog. I mean what if you mention something about someone you know........or people you know? How about your job? Can they fire you? Can they prove your talking about work? How bout your friends..can they prove you were talking about them if you posted something in a blog?

Rough.....there was a day that was very stressful....slash rough couple of weeks lately. Especially the people who who dont realize how MULTI TASKING your responsibilities are. They have a few duties and...thats it! While me and my "bud" have MULTIPLE things going on.....ok i'm preparing for vulgarity now......yup....here it comez.......be happy someone is there to assist you and not be so fucking rude. I swear i'm taking a few days to myself here shortly. And to those people who complain about everything...you can SUCK OFF! Swear..he/she is a MACINTOSH ADMINISTRATOR...uh yeah right.

Ok...there..I think I feel better....not sure i'll have to check. Oh and people who dont know how to resize photos and then all of a sudden...forget...or get some kind of freakin amnesia. Some people enjoy complain...maybe they should work somewhere else.

see I am a member of several online communities and deal nightly with different groups and sites...so this could pertain to any one of them.....he he he

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Quake 4

.....k...been waiting for a new game title to come out...Quake 4. I know.....I know....but i'm a gamer...been since I was a kid...I compete online and enjoy hardkore graphic intense games. I'm also a member of 2 online gaming communities with our own websites. Twisted Fraggers my non clan group can be found at I not only help admin but also helped with the web development of it. My other online group clan is DLS which can be found at ............well I dont write too in depth about it...but doenst hurt to share a lil about my gaming side.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

My Petz

...ok...here are the pix I promised...just had to charge batteries to digital cam. The first picture is the fish that came back to life. I have to say, it was prolly shock from the water change...

Saturday, October 15, 2005

My poor fish

...ok...so yesterday I change the water in both of my fish tanks......well....one of my tanks. Well one of my fish (manganeus) was basically dying......oh man! I took him out and tried to keep him active.......wasnt working. I moved him around in the tank by hand....still no go. I finally gave up....didnt want to but then I figured I couldnt save him. So I figure if he's gonna die......damn....had him for years now (4) I came back to the tank and noticed he was light colored and tail curled him on his side in the corner of the tank.................that was it.. I moved him and poked him, he just laid there. =( I'll post pics as soon as my batteries charge to my digital camera. So I put him in a cardboard box, small one. And all of a sudden while standing there he started to move his tail! ! ! I was like HOLY SH*#T!! put him back in the tank and when I came home later that night he was back to normal! Can you believe that? I have no explanation for that........cant beleive it.....even today he is perfectly normal. I shall treat him to some feeder guppies tomorrow. Infact I will treat all my pets to something nice tomorrow........my trantula i'll get some crickets..my iguana I will get some gooodies, and my turtle i'll give some gold fish to eat. And my other fish will get some feeder gold fish!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Blog is back!

...ok...so I go to my profile...and edit my NAME.....from dreamersinkart to dreamerz_ink.........wellll....this lovely lady name STEPHANIE from blog support....tries a few things...and then replies....."try this name dreamersz_ink" well...dumb me....forgot to take the 's' off! Well I just wanted to openly thank STEPHANIE of blog support for her help! THANK YOUTHANK YOUTHANK YOUTHANK YOUTHANK YOUTHANK YOUTHANK YOUTHANK YOU

Ok...I will resume a more mature posting....got carried away with great appreciation to Stephanie.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Car accident

....getting ready for work ...and what do I see right in front of my parking lot? A freshly planted car wreck....no one was injured. But the cars looked pretty bashed. I must of just missed it too, cause no one was there cept for a cop arriving.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Hidden Blog

.....seems several people are finding my hidden blogg here online....how interesting. But....its not like i'm posting anything thats top secret.......................yet. he he he....

Still trying to get around to posting some pix of my petz....will do it shortly....I think. Ok so this is a very simple post, sorry. Tell ya what....give me a topic to post on and i'll elaborate some kind of relation to it.

Oh by the way....had to drop my class at Hancock College I was taking....between work and home etc.....just no time to mentally study and do GOOT. lol